Look at this thing I have never in all my years seen a CPU that looks anything like that that's it that's the CPU so the bare die is exposed it's got like this looks like it's an aluminum like mounting plate thing that is then screwed into what would normally be the the mounting plate for the socket where the CPU would fit the backplates normal to hold on here we go this is it what even are these things how would you be expected to install them so our story begins with the word from our sponsor Corsair Corsairs hydro x-series of custom water cooling components has great performance RGB etc etc you're gonna find out a lot more about it as the video progresses because we're gonna be using a hydro ax setup to cool this, okay not this is a motherboard but inside this box is something the likes of which I have never seen anything quite like so this is actually a big long note from Tim a big fan of the channel and the new local supplier of BGA to LGA 1151 CPUs and 
Block Chain, Personal, Shaking Hands, Handshake, Data
Tim has actually sent us over a whack of these CPUs to check out and what's interesting about them is that these are laptop processors so BGA or ball grid array chips that are designed to be soldered directly on to a motherboard and then with you know some kind of custom cooling solution applied over top of them like heat pipes or whatever the case may be so these are these laptop CPUs these BGA CPUs that are soldered instead of to a laptop motherboard to this carrier adapter PCB and then in turn don't wait okay so note this is actually a super thick PCB that the ball grid array CPU is soldered on to and then there's gonna have to be passed through traces in which we can't see and then it's actually just machined out on either side so that this bottom LGA 1151 compatible surface here full of contact pads can fit properly in the socket Wow there's a couple things that are unique about this solution one of them is, of course, the adapter and the second is this piece right here so this is the su PCH named presumably for mr. su who is running this operation now this does a couple of things number one is it takes our custom PCB here and allows us to have it held in place so there are actually four little mounting holes on the corners and those correspond to four little pegs on the inside of this adapter plate here the second thing that it does is it acts as a shim which is a way of keeping
 Cooler, Computer, Fan, Technology, Pc, Processor
The CPU safe when you're mounting a cooler to it now in the old days desktop processors just like their mobile counterparts had exposed dyes like this but nowadays in order to keep them from getting cracked while people are you know applying heat things to them and stuff like that most manufacturers cover their chips with an IHS or an integrated heat spreader now that comes with actually a heat transfer penalty but it was seen as not being as important as keeping the things from getting cracked and chipped and broken so this shin that goes around it prevents us from putting a CPU on top of this thing and accidentally having it rock back and forth and chip off a corner or something like that now let's have a look at some of the CPU options that are available here we've got a core i7 78 20 HK that should actually be an overclockable chip I'm gonna want to try that one for sure next up we've got a whatever this is and whatever this is so these are apparently a QL 2x and a QL 3 X so these are engineering samples that never got formal names so one of them runs at 2.4 gigahertz base 3.5 gigahertz boost and the other is 2.7 base 3.8 boost and apparently both of them will overclock in the range of four point two to four point six gigahertz and stay there so these are unlocked chips and you can get them for as little as eighty ten ninety dollars which I guess reveals the whole point of all of this which is that if you happen to have an old z170 motherboard or something similar and you want a whole lot of performance for not a lot of money this could be a very interesting way to do it the last tip that we've got here appears to be a 7700 HQ and this is a qualifying sample so most of the CPUs we've got are not legitimate CPUs that were pulled off of boards these are like qualifying an engineering sample so this whole thing we're doing is SuperDuper condoned by Intel I'm sure and actually have no idea 
Processor, Cpu, Board, Circuits, Calculator, Computer
What's pre-installed in the board here so we'll find that out soon enough first I want to just make sure it's working at all so you're gonna notice that I put a very very small amount of thermal compound on here that's because the die is very very small we don't need to cover a whole lot of surface area now Mr. su claims that with this mounting shim here you can actually install just a normal freaking intel star cooler so I think that's the first thing we're gonna try I'm gonna be really interested to see what the BIOS reports about this thing we're ready for the magic moment our RGB ROM is lit up we basically have all of a functionality we need now let's see if we can get into the BIOS here F to delete this doesn't appear to list a CPU model anywhere in here yes so we are unlocked ah here we go oh so this is a sixty seven hundred HQ why would that be unlocked that shouldn't be unlocked okay so why don't we throw one of our at low well first let's get into Windows let's get some hardware info fired up here everything seems to be working relatively normally there it is 6700 HQ running just like you would expect now as expected the CPU is running really cool like 19 to 22 degrees at idle let's go ahead and just throw a quick blender render at it and see how it looks after that even this Pinner intel stock one on it 
Microprocessor, Cpu, Chip, Processor, Electronics
Under loan we're looking at 45 degrees Celsius so I think it's pretty safe for us to crank that multiplier up to the maximum it'll reach and let's see what our performance looks like as it is we're turbo into just 3.1 gigahertz on all course I think we can do better all right so as expected yes that 35 multiplier is indeed the max single core turbo frequency of this particular chip we're just going to see if we can hit that all course now I have no experience trying to overclock Intel's locked mobile chips even just to run all course at the single core boost frequency because even if Intel did allow this kind of behavior no mobile you know device manufacturer in their right mind would allow you to do that kind of thing because you would overwhelm the cooling and I guess I have no more experience than I did before because as you can see here it doesn't work we're still running at 3.1 but that's okay because between the qualifying samples the engineering samples and the straight-up K series unlocked chips we can still do some overclocking today so I was actually in the middle of swapping CPUs and I realized that we haven't actually seen under this thing yet so let's have a look at what if anything mr. su has modified about this motherboard here now it looks like not really anything all they've done is remove the normal mounting plate here you know it would have that little that little lever and all that kind of stuff so they've just removed that and then the CPU is held in by the hold-down plate or the shim up here this Shin that came pre-
Board, Circuit, Control Center, Technology, Silver

Installed seems to be like a pre-production one or something because it looks like it actually has some some sanding marks on the top like they were trying to dial in the light just right so we're gonna do away with that one we're gonna use one of the one of the finished samples here what CPU don't want to go for Alex you want to go for one of the mystery meat ones or do you want to go for the 7820 HK the expensive one pick a hand not one okay we're going with this one no just if it sits a little looser I think then a real CPU I mean I shouldn't say it's not a real CPU it is a real CPU it's a it's a little looser than one that you're supposed to put it oh wow that's interesting ok so when I removed the mounting plate before I heard a plank that's what that was so here's our original back plate here so I'm gonna have to hold that on while I install the CPU so it's a little janky er that's ok back in my starving student days I would have easily put up with this much jig to save like a hundred bucks or whatever just a little bit of thermal compound yeah you really don't need a lot on these paradise look at that even the amount I put on before almost all gooped up around the edges there the good news though is that means that our mounting pressure was pretty darn spot-on which means the height of their adapter is about right Oh turned off turning back on probably memory training or something yeah so here's one thought remember how I said I really wasn't sure how tight it was supposed to be because there doesn't seem to be any kind of stopper to prevent you from going ham on this thing I'm gonna try backing it off a little bit and making sure that the tension feels kind of even you know okay let's try that so that didn't help what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the other one the one that was in my right hand we're gonna give that one a shot LT t-shirts also a thermal paste wipe LTT store comm to be clear I'm not actually recommending rubbing a shirt all over a CPU is just my cameraman wants to go home on time okay Pass has been reset beautiful all right let's have a look at what we got here so this little puppy runs at three point four right out of the box so what does that make it they're not sure oh this is the boring one this one's locked okay swapping CPUs again I gotta say the review sample ones really look like they've been through hell and back this one has what appears to be glue or something or thermal compound on the bottom of it so we had assumed the two green ones were like the weird engineering sample ones and then the blue one was not but that turned out to not be the case so 
What I'm really hoping is this is going to be the qx2 engineering sample because that one's apparently good for four point five to four point six gigahertz all that is a good sign I mean it posted hey Oh interesting yes 
Board, Chip, Computer, Electronics, Data, Circuits
So mr. Sue's associate who sent us over these CPUs had informed us that they might be a little touch-and-go when it comes to PCI Express gen3 we might want to change our PCI Express slots to Gen 2 to avoid some complications with the Nvidia driver so we're going to go ahead and try that but first I want to know what chip this is and we don't know how Obama I think this is the slower one of the two engineering samples they're not labeled I'm having a hard time keeping track of which ones are which hey there we go we're in Windows now heck yeah uh hacking you know what why don't we dial in the overclocking settings that they recommended here Hey all right 4.2 digger Hertz let's go ahead and do a quick stress test so it is a disadvantage to run at PCI Express Gen 2 but not a huge one unless you're running some kind of like compute application on your graphics card now what is a problem is if you go to run a stress test and your reading habit.

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